Aurore is a being of three ages.
She was born eight years ago. She has intellectual capacities of a two-year-old child, and she lives in the body of a teenager of fourteen.
Aurore does not speak. She will never make love and will never be autonomous.
Aurore likes the wind, the water, and pears.
Her being lives in a slow and fast spatio-temporal dimension at the same time. The time and its flow do not participate in the existence of Aurore because her mental state will know no evolution.
If her brain is blocked, Aurore's body flies, dances, laughs, fights, turns, falls and roars.
The fervent movement of the hands and her shrill cries are her only possible alphabet.
Aurore is affected by a slight Rett Syndrome.
Rett Syndrome concerns 1 birth out of 10-15 000. This syndrome represents approximately 2 to 3% of all the cases of severe intellectual deficiency and 10 % of the cases of deep intellectual deficiency in the women.
Photography & video, 2017
50 x 60 (h) cm / 13 x 18 (h) cm HD video 2 min