Indistinctly and with no faces attached, the voices of migrants and residents of Lampedusa mingle.
Lampedusa is a symbol of these displacements of populations wishing to reach the free European land. It is a place that crystallizes the problems linked to this topicality which has lasted for decades. As a border island between Africa and Italy, it is the sole landing ground for those who come by the Libyan Sea or North Africa. The people of Lampedusa are today the only ones welcoming immigrants, since the law of the sea obliges it.
Superimposed on the paradisiacal waters of the island, the voice-overs express all the anger and distress in the face of these unwanted out-of- control migrations. The sea is no longer a place of hope and rescue but a space of danger and death.
In their original languages and dialects, the experiences and powerless testimonies of foreigners and natives are revealed.
Video HD 4'15